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Old June 9th 06, 06:39 PM posted to
Steven P. Burrows
Posts: n/a
Default Hallicrafter S-40B IF Transformer Silver Mica Capacitor Values ???

I have been working on a pair of S-40B receivers over the last 18
months, and only recently became aware of the possibility of capacitor
failure in the IF transformer cans. Based on my reading on the subject,
I suspect that I may have one IF shorting out across its silver-mica cap.

I found a web page with a procedure for replacing these cap's, but I
have no idea what the values are. There are two IF transformer part
numbers in the S-40B, so I suspect that they have different caps.

The Hallicrafter part numbers are 50C243 (1st and 2nd IF) and 50C242

I would greatly appreciate some help with this question.