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Old June 10th 06, 12:11 AM posted to,
Policy Ham
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Default Another RRAPper does good? Pennsylvania launch of balloon carrying Amateur Radio

From the ARRL web site (but no mention of Mike Coslo or his callsign):

Pennsylvania launch of balloon carrying Amateur Radio payload set (Jun
9, 2006) -- A balloon carrying an Amateur Radio payload is set for
launch Saturday, June 10, at approximately 1300 UTC (9 AM ET) from
Samuel Lewis State Park, located just south of US Rte 30 between
Lancaster and York, Pennsylvania. The "near space" launch is a project
of Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School (PALCS). The balloon is
expected to rise to an altitude of about 80,000 feet. An APRS beacon
signal will transmit on 144.390 MHz, using the call sign NJ2BB-62.
Every third transmission it will also transmit "PALCS PROJECT". A 2
meter MCW beacon on on 146.565 MHz also will continuously send "PALCS
PROJECT" for one minute followed by "de NJ2BB" and a 30-second period
of silence before repeating the sequence. Line of sight is expected to
be between 350 and 450 miles. Send reception reports to AA2WN.--Murray
Green, K3BEQ