al goss wrote:
FREE for shipping cost...
will hold items 1 week only from today 12th a June....
donation accepted if you wish: coffee and hamburger !!
Am continuing massive clean out : 50 years cum...
1) 2 x 10hy, 250ma filter chokes, 80 ohm, 600v, size: 3.75 x 3.5 x 5.0,
bottom terminals.
2) qty 14 of 2.0v 5.0AH, 'D' size rechargeable batteries, tested ok,
Gates Cyclone. make easy 14v DC supply.
3) Ballantine Labs model 300 AC VTVM , .01 thru 100v, 4" Volts and dB
scaled meter, AC output adjust, dual banana chassis jacks.
4) Oil caps: 8 at 1000v, Prymid
FREE for shipping
More to follow soon.
Lotsa tubes: rectumfriers 5R4 / 5U4's, 6880's , 7077's 12AX7's
12AU7's on and on....
You might want to post this on as well.
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida