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Old June 14th 06, 11:15 AM posted to
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Default antenna coil forms

rckchp wrote:

I'm offering these free, first come first served, but you pay the
postage, or you can pick them up if you're local. I think they can be
sent parcel post without any wrapping....I'll just stick a mailing
label on them and send them out. When it arrives just look at the
postage sticker and reimburse me that amount. Any takers? If so, email
me (off list) your name & mailing address.

72 & Regards,

Rich k2cpe
K2 #1102

Tempting, but I'm in pretty good shape here I guess. Also, I'm
kinda wary of any paper material, as it might get damp, etc..
I'm always looking for things to build antennas, coils, etc...
I just stumbled across another recently... I've been thinking
about making a "plastic bugcatcher" for 160m. I already
have two 80-10 versions.. But I always was wondering what
to form a bigger coil on...Well, I think I found one way...
Use these big canisters that DVD's come in... I torch up a lot
of DVD's, and buy a lot of them. Both 50 packs, and 100
packs, that come in the big plastic canisters. I was looking
at one the other day, and thought, *dang*, this would make
a pretty good coil form... They are 5 inches dia, and about
6 inches tall, if you used a 100 pack.. They already have a
spindle running through the middle as an alignment guide..
Some thin sticks might fit as is, but most would need to have
that widened out a bit.. Would be a cinch to rig up..
So I think I'm going to use one of those to wind a 160 coil.
yep, it will be heavy with the wire, and the antenna would have
to be guyed when driving I think. But I could use as is sitting still.
Those canisters could be stacked for more height.
The coil on my 80-10 antenna is 3 inch dia plastic tube, and
the top and bottom caps were peanut butter jar lids. They fit
perfectly. I drilled holes in the caps, and ran the stick up
through the middle, and then glued and sealed it.