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Old June 14th 06, 09:56 PM posted to
Martin McCormick
Posts: n/a
Default Cleveland, Ohio Police Scanner Feed

I looked up scanner feeds for Cleveland, Ohio recently and
found a web site that has one, but I can't seem to find the link to
the streaming audio. I use Linux and, as a computer user who happens
to be blind, the GUI-based browsers such as Netscape and similar don't
work yet. There is an excellent program in Linux called MPlayer whose
latest version is MPlayer-1.0pre8 and it can play most all the common
streaming audio formats such as Windows Media and Realaudio. What one
must do is to find the link using the lynx or similar browser which
usually comes down to a .ram or .asx file. You get that file and use
it as the playlist option in mplayer and everything works fine if you
can get that far. Several people were helpful last year on a couple
of feeds I was looking for so I am asking if anyone knows the feed URL
for the Cleveland site. If it requires flash or shockwave, I am out
of luck, but sometimes, the site simply has more javascript than is
useful and the link can't be teased out of the mess.

Many thanks for any help. I have never been to Cleveland, but
I used to listen when they were on 37.180 MHZ during Sporadic E
openings in the Summer and they would sometimes just boom in to
Oklahoma and Arkansas in the late sixties.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK
Information Technology Division Network Operations Group