get help
an old freind wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Yep and they are very interesting in busting a child molester like you
which means you had no evedence for them to use
They are collecting it with your online activites!
nobody is watching me Wisemen the Sheriif has ONE man to cver the
entire county Wisemen
Not according to their website, stupid.
not according the Sherif himself
Wrong, dumbass, he has quite a number on his staff.
but not enough to keep more than one man on the roads of the entire
I am not impoartant enought o watch espo on the word of someone calling
himself Markie Morgan Rapes boys
Who said I used that name with the report?
Good, because it did get filed.
and nothing came of it obvously
but you surely did not sign yourself as Wismen a man well known to the
The FBI doesn't know Wiseman, dumbass!
you know this how?