Wanted: DM-28-R dynamotor for BC-348-R receiver
-=H=- wrote:
I am in need of a DM-28-R dynamotor for a BC-348-R receiver.
Must be in working condition. Not too concerned about looks
(can't see it anyway, once it's installed in the receiver!).
Once I finish restoring this receiver, it will be installed
aboard a B-17.
Thanks and 73,
Dean K5DH
Man, I wish I still had one. A BC 348...big and black...was given to me
by my Elmer 35 years ago in my novice years. He built a basic power
supply: rectifiers but no transformer...I got a nasty shock if I didn't
plug it in right (in the old days before polarized plugs) It did manage
to keep me awake during those wee hour ops. It was a neat receiver!