Latest RADIOMART ebay scam!!!
RM has over 4,000 positive feedbacks.
He is the self-proclaimed Market Leader in Drake and Collins.
That means over 4,000 people so want to beleive in this guy and his products
that they will (stupidly) fall over themselves and others to buy his crap.
We are the real morons here, buying into his line of BS.....RM is just
filling a need in the amateur community: the need to outdo the other guy,
possess that precious Collins or Drake trophy...even if it is a fake.
Some day when inflation runs rampant and we need to spend our disposable
income on heating our homes rather than buying useless radio's, RM will come
to an end.
"Chuck - K1KW" wrote in message
. ..
Item # 9738158955
Check this BS out! Amazing that this jerk continues to sell on Ebay with
his obvious lies and misrepresentation. This is nothing more than a poor
homebrew fake. I know who made it and he made a few more out of surplus
items. RADIOMART's stories are totally made up. He has no personal
collections, he swindles SK widows and runs another ebay name to buy on
cheap and then makes up stories about the same equipment to lend
credibility. This guy is a snake. BEWARE!!!!!