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Old June 16th 06, 04:32 PM posted to
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Default More Morkie Mularkie

an old freind still proves he can't spell "friend" right:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind continues his public intoxication:

aother lie steve


K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:

yes you are proven a lair

I'm a proven "lair"...?!?!

yes you are

Uhhhh, no.

You need to open Webster's again, fatboy, and look up "lair".

the fact i have not been arested as a child molestor despite your
claims to have proof I am is proof you are a liar

No...It's proof that law enforcement has other things to do.

more important than aresting a child molestor?

I can't answer for them, Mork...Perhaps they want enough evidence
to keep you away for a LONG time.

face facts Maj Robeson

What's a "Maj"...?!?!

you are a libeler and you once had the wisdom to avoid that sort of
thing but you have simply lost all touch with the real world

It's not libel if it's true.

irelavant it isn't true and that has been proven steve

Mork, USE ENGLISH, fatboy!

So far you've not disproven ONER thing I've said about you, Mork.



OK, for today, we have the following typos:

Mork, 3722

Steve 1

but I have disproven so many of them

No, you've not.

and you OTOH has proven none ofthem correct except the ones I agreed
with in the first place

Sure I have...And provided references, points-of-contact, etc etc

Not one.

nor have you disproven that your daughter was a gentic defective

I don't need to, Mork.

BTW...What's the deal on your life insurance's suicide clause?

Steve, K4YZ