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Old June 16th 06, 04:49 PM posted to,alt.military.cap
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Default More idle death threats From Ma Robeson (My Mother Is Making Threats, Mork...?!?! BBBWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! ! !)

an old freind continues to look stupid:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind still proves he can't spell "friend" right:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind continues his public intoxication:

aother lie steve


yep you lied again


K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:

yes you are proven a lair

I'm a proven "lair"...?!?!

yes you are

Uhhhh, no.

yes you are a prven lair and fraud

What's "prven"...?!?!

No...It's proof that law enforcement has other things to do.

more important than aresting a child molestor?

I can't answer for them, Mork.

you already did or rather tried to

No, I didn't.

..Perhaps they want enough evidence
to keep you away for a LONG time.

but you claimed you had that evidence a videotape of me molesting a
child that would 15-20 years

I never said I had the tape, Mork.

face facts Maj Robeson

What's a "Maj"...?!?!

you are a libeler and you once had the wisdom to avoid that sort of
thing but you have simply lost all touch with the real world

It's not libel if it's true.

irelavant it isn't true and that has been proven steve

Mork, USE ENGLISH, fatboy!

it is in english perfect english with no mispleing

The we have several of your lies in one "sentence". Mork.

So far you've not disproven ONER thing I've said about you, Mork.



Morkie Typos now 3864

Steve: Still 1

but I have disproven so many of them

No, you've not.

sure have


and you OTOH has proven none ofthem correct except the ones I agreed
with in the first place

Sure I have...And provided references, points-of-contact, etc etc



you have not proven my is male that I am not married to her or that I
am a childmolestor

Your WHAT is male, Mork...?!?!

And as for being married, there is NO record of you getting

you claim these things and have proven none of them

I don't have to...

You've done it for me.

Not one.

nor have you disproven that your daughter was a gentic defective

I don't need to, Mork.

you dodo need to porve it if I need to prove myself inocent of the
crimes you libel me with

More abuse of the English language, Mork.

Try again, fatboy.

indeed even if I did as you claim and molested a child I would still be
inocent of it till a jury convicted me or I accepted plea deal

So now we have you owning up to it in stages...

BTW...What's the deal on your life insurance's suicide clause?

what is is of your affair?

but why bluster you will make no effort to kill me

you are nothing but #### and wind

Or so you hope...

Steve, K4YZ