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Old June 17th 06, 03:34 PM posted to
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Default Latest RADIOMART ebay scam!!!

Well said Andrew!!! Charles K4QZO

"Andrew VK3BFA" wrote in message
Chuck - K1KW wrote:
Item # 9738158955

Check this BS out! Amazing that this jerk continues to sell on Ebay with
his obvious lies and misrepresentation. This is nothing more than a poor
homebrew fake. I know who made it and he made a few more out of surplus
items. RADIOMART's stories are totally made up. He has no personal
collections, he swindles SK widows and runs another ebay name to buy on
cheap and then makes up stories about the same equipment to lend
credibility. This guy is a snake. BEWARE!!!!!

Hey - I can make no comments about this person, my only note is his
language is like a real estate salesman hi hi. If its homebrew, I would
like to do as well - its nice. And he doesnt say its made by Collins -
the phrase is "Collins like" - ok, a fine detail, but accurate for fine
print legal purposes......

And really people - if you want a museum piece as an investment, then
search for one and be prepared to pay an outrageous price for some old
ham gear. Just dont turn it on or use it on air - you might lessen its
"value" - If you want what "looks" like a nice ATU that would not be
out of place in a Collins setup, then bid what you think its worth -
its your choice....

And I am not looking to start a flame war, Collins gear is VERY nice
and worth collecting and using. But Art Collins was NOT God, and having
a shack full of immaculate 60's consumer electronics, however well
engineered, will NOT get you into heaven.

73 de VK3BFA Andrew.