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Old July 20th 03, 02:06 AM
Posts: n/a

Ya got to love those net gods! Unfortunately, they aren't as perfect as the
one who makes all this possible!
"Floyd Davidson" wrote in message
pamme (VHFRadioBuff) wrote:
As far as I am concerned, this gentleman's posting could (should?) have

posted in each and every user group that relates in any fashion to ham

Cross posting and off topic posting is a violation of many an ISP's TOS.

No, it was *NOT* crossposted, and it *should* have been.
Instead the message was multiposted to at least 5 newsgroups

*Multiposting* is *never* appropriate. Crossposting _to_
_appropriate_ newsgroups is _always_ appropriate.

The fact is that every post has it's place. If that were not the case,

eliminate every amateur radio newsgroup except for

Some posts have many places, and that is why crossposting is a
facility available on Usenet. And while abuse is relatively
common, that particular instance would have been perhaps
reasonable *if* it had been crossposted instead of multiposted.

And while we discuss Usenet protocols, your signature is

1) too long
2) lacks the appropriate delimiter line, "-- ", between
it and the text of your message.

It seems reasonable that if you are going to rant about the
way someone else posts, you might want to be a little more
correct yourself. :-)

73! de Andy KC2SSB (ex: KF4KHC/HL9HCT)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw
Fight Spam!
National "Do Not Call" Registry:

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)