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Old June 18th 06, 05:08 PM posted to,,
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Default A Complex Metaphysical Conundrum...

AndyS wrote:
Hi all,
I once believed that UHF(and beyond) RF electronics was the most
technically challenging hobby there is. Period.
However, I've since read about some chap who claims his principal
'hobby' is Quantum Mechanics! This fellow is in prison somewhere in the
UK and all his 'work' is *entirely* theoretical (obviously - given the
confined circumstances) and consists of the academic pursuit of the
subject alone including heaps of serious number-crunching and
formidably cryptic calculus.
The complex, metaphysical conundrum that arises from this is: can QM
(highly theoretical even if you actually work hands-on with particle
accelerators) ever be accurately described as a 'hobby?'
What does the Panel think?

Andy writes:

I think that talking incessantly about a subject that one can't
prove by demonstration shows an inferiority complex. The dude is
afraid to argue a subject whose results can be proven....

Quantum mechanics is a science - you don't *prove* anything. You make
theories to explain data obtained by experiment, and verify the
predictions of these theories with more experiments. Anyone looking for
a subject whose results can be proven should stick to maths (another
good choice for people stuck in prison!). But as a science, QM is solid
(if somewhat difficult) - just because the guy in prison can't
personally verify any predictions he comes up with, doesn't mean they
can't be verified by others. After all, much of the theory is developed
by people at universities, not just the more "practical" scientists
working with particle accelerators and the like.

Just like arguing Catholicism versus Buddha --- an interesting
way , for some, to waste their time. But no way to be proven

If the fellow's mind was as good as the fellow seems to think
it is , himself, he wouldn't be afraid to approach subjects where
he could be shown in error.....

Given that you apparently know nothing about quantum mechanics, what
subjects were you thinking of?

I bet the SOB has never changed the oil in his own truck.....I bet
if he tried, he would mess it up.....

So what? Is that some sort of red-neck test of manhood?

Andy in Eureka, Texas