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Old July 21st 03, 04:52 AM
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"Floyd Davidson" wrote in message
pamme (VHFRadioBuff) wrote:
The three or four line message at the bottom of a piece of email
or a Usenet article which identifies the sender. Large signatures
(over five lines) are generally frowned upon. See also:
Electronic Mail, Usenet."
rfc1983 "Internet Users' Glossary"

Umm.. 1983? I think that's a little outdated. Really should be updated

after 20
years. That goes back to the days of 2400 baud modem when bandwidth was a

rfc1983 is a document number. It was originally published in
1996, when it replace rfc1392. I assure you that rfc1392 was
not published in 1392 any more than rfc1983 was published in

You can go to google and find *thousands* of web sites
which explain signatures in detail.

No, *YOU* can. I have a life.

That's why you go around acting as a net cop when you don't
even know what RFC's are?

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


He has a life???? Yea, that of acting net god..... STUFF IT NET COP.....
What you bitched about, is nothing compared to the Spam really taking place.