Thread: ULF antennas
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Old June 19th 06, 10:34 PM posted to
Tom Donaly
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Default ULF antennas

gravity wrote:
i've been considering an antenna for the audio frequency range plus 1 to 20
hz. basically a big coil would work.

i've thought about using a steel drum, but i don't have room for that in my
new QTH. mu metal rods would be very expensive, even ferrite would be
expensive for an 100,000 turn antenna.

not sure what to use. maybe steel core.


"Detecting Natural Electromagnetic Waves," The Amateur Scientist, Shawn
Carlson, Scientific American, May, 1996. 50,000 turns #30 wire on 1/2
inch rebar, 2 feet long. You'll have to make your own amplifier and low
pass filter.
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH