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Old June 20th 06, 02:34 PM posted to,,,
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Default Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicatewith other.

Dave wrote:
5 WPM is do-able! My 4 1/2 year granddaughter copies 5 wpm! Her 10 year old
brother, who learned it in Cub Scouts, taught her. And, she can't even spell
yet! But, she knows the alphabet from watching TV.

Some people have DIFFICULTY learning Morse Code, real difficulty!

I have taught Morse Code off and on for 40 years and from total ignorance to
100% success in 8 hours, 2 hours a week for 4 weeks [plus a little home
practice. It is practice [work] that makes it successful.]

bulls**** or I'd would have a noivice license rough 3 decades ago

Some people can learn the code but suffer from "TEST STRESS". They can copy it
comfortably in their home or their surroundings; but, when they have to
demonstrate that skill in front of a 'WITNESS' who has pass/fail power, they
tense up and fail. That's understandable and can be worked with.

never could do it alone with any reliablity either

Some people are dyslexic. But, they can hear it and talk it out, but can't get
it on paper. But, they learned the code.

some dyslexics can true

If you can learn the english alphabet, if you can learn the english language, if
you can read this email then you CAN LEARN Morse Code at 5 WPM. You may never
progress to 20 wpm [It took me 24 months at 1 hour of practice a day every day
to progress from 5 to 20 wpm] but 5 wpm can be learned.

shove you insistance that you can speak for eveyone where the sun don't

Teaching methods, practice criteria and testing/verification methods become
critical for those with difficulty.

indeed as do factors like random chance

/s/ DD, W1MCE

now even if you are right why should somebody be made to take this test
after Icould endure 10 lashes in a public sqare too (and thatwould
certainly be easier)