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Old June 22nd 06, 11:42 PM posted to
D Peter Maus
Posts: n/a
Default yaesu FT100-D cant transmit problem

yea right wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 23:14:14 +0000, Slow Code wrote:

"dingus" wrote in

[quoted text muted]

Yes. You're an appliance operator.

So,.... what kind-a car did you build to drive around in?

Funny you should mention that. I, myself have built two Mercedes from
the pavement up. One a 190SL which I still have at my place in Texas,
the other is an S-Class 280, which I sold some years ago. Besides those
two, I've also built two of my three Studebakers, and a BMW 2002.

You may find that a number of members of this group are as adept with
a wrench.

But the point intended above is not that one must build one's radio
in order to be a fine ham, but that one must be a good technician,
familiar with, and posessed of a working knowledge of, the circuitry of
the operator's rig of choice, in this case a Yeasu FT100-D. Which would
have obviated the original question as posted here.

In other words, If you're going to key up on the bands, know enough
about the radio to know 1) that it's working correctly and within the
standards of good amateur practice, and 2) how to at least begin an
undertaking like correcting a mod that produces undesired performance.

There's nothing wrong with buying a commercially produced radio. But
if you're going to assume the mantle of responsibility that goes with
keying the mic, know something about the damned thing.