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Old June 23rd 06, 06:20 AM posted to,,,
Rev. Cleetus Poontang
Posts: n/a
Default Morons on 20 Meters (the new 14.313 is HERE folks!!!)

You have obviously not been on 20 Meters in some time.
14.275 is THE NEW toilet bowl of ham radio.

Some say it may even come close to soon taking the place
of the INFAMOUS 14.313 mHz of years ago.

Just park your dial there and you'll hear a whole cast
of rejects, both old and new, some of em from the old
14.313 freq history also and parts of 75 Meters.

CB'ers take note also - these are all USB freqs.

As the guy in Florida (I think his name was "Bagel Bernie")
used to say: "ENJOY - Ya've earned it!"

Note: I have not yet heard the infamous "Bathroom Man"
of Year's past on there (He was in Az by the way) but
hopefully he will be joining the fray soon too!

"NO9GL" wrote in message

Last weekend I was zooming around the 20 meter bands when I heard
these morons on 14.275 Mhz talking about Glenn Baxter, and one of them
was Disco Dan W4NTI. Now I can understand that these "cry-babies" are
****ed off at Baxter and VE7KFM, but you would think these morons
would have better things to talk about them those two. I mean there
are a million other things they should talk about instead of those
two, I mean I can come up with millions of topics that don't relate to
Baxter or VE7KFM. But no, these inbred are obsessed with those two
that their on air behavior is almost embarrassing. They are in fact a
primary example of radio operators who take their hobby to seriously
and either need to back off of it for a while or be removed from the
service, because like Baxter and VE7KFM, their behavior is not wanted
on the amateur bands. No amateur should bad mouth another amateur on
the air, especially on a HF band.