Golden Eagle Mark IV
On 22 Jun 2006 18:31:07 -0700, "
+++I used to CB a lot, I moved several times and finally got my Mark IV
+++out of storage the other day and it blew a resistor, R.302 but I can't
+++tell the colors since is is burnt. Does anyone know the value of this
+++resistor? I thought maybe a schematic, or I thought maybe selling it.
+++What would you do?
+++Dave in MO
Before replaceing the resistor, you better check two things:
If the resistor was a carbon composition resistor then it maybe just
sufficient to replace the resistor. Otherwise check any caps that the
resistor maybe connected to.
The problem with a lot of those old radios that have sat for long
periods are the electrtolytic caps are probably not very good anymore.
Many radios of that vintage used carbon composition resisitors. They
tend to absorb moisture and that causes them to lower their value.