A Complex Metaphysical Conundrum...
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June 23rd 06, 02:47 PM posted to alt.fag-lamer.roger-wiseman.chucklehead,
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et gelp alt.fag-lamer.roger-wiseman.chucklehead
On 18 Jun 2006 12:03:29 -0700,
Lloyd Davies wrote:
Hi all,
I once believed that UHF(and beyond) RF electronics was the most
technically challenging hobby there is. Period.
However, I've since read about some chap who claims his principal
'hobby' is Quantum Mechanics! This fellow is in prison somewhere in the
UK and all his 'work' is *entirely* theoretical (obviously - given the
confined circumstances) and consists of the academic pursuit of the
subject alone including heaps of serious number-crunching and
formidably cryptic calculus.
The complex, metaphysical conundrum that arises from this is: can QM
(highly theoretical even if you actually work hands-on with particle
accelerators) ever be accurately described as a 'hobby?'
What does the Panel think?
I think your a ****ing dumass,
Except you are the biggest dumbass
et gelp beeting up yur mammy woger risenam'Devine'-G.P.Woehler.jpg
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