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  #55   Report Post  
Old June 23rd 06, 06:27 PM posted to,,,
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicatewith other.

David wrote:
Recently I can across a "music" track that is about 5 minutes long that
teaches Morse by the sound of the characters.

If you would find this helpful I may be able to get a copy of it and
place it on an ftp server for you.



not clear who you are addresing

but this method get tried on most dyslexics and rarely works

why gald I asked becuase most dyslexcs ebd up doing the easier for us
task on meoris 5 minutes of letter (learn though correcting our efforts
at the end) rather managing to sort of the tone

In Dyslexia, ones is up against one own brain and the methods one has
learned to work around the misfiring nurons most dyslexic learn very
effectve methods of dealing with, and the btter the devolped method is
the harder it is to defeat. Code testing tries to channel one down a
path of limited choices