Thread: FS Misc. items
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Old June 23rd 06, 11:21 PM posted to
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Default FS Misc. items

"Will" wrote in message

clfe wrote:
4 - Motorola "long red" skinny square tone reeds with a pin out on one
similar to a "tube" (7 pins). "

Those RED tone reeds are from/for GE Prog line radios, NOT Motorola.

By golly, you're right..........The big ole GE logo is right there in plain
view. I was looking at so much "Motorola" stuff, I guess I had "Motorola" on
my mind. Not much GE stuff has come by here. Sorry for any confusion it may
have caused. Thanks for bringing it to my attention too. IF I need to list
them again - I'll be sure to keep that in mind when doing so - not having
"Motorola" on the brain.