Flaming Mark
Did I mention that I , Roger Wiseman, use a forged email address over Mark
Morgan's name to spam you guys?
Damned if I didn't forget to wipe my Earthlink headers from the spams, so
forgive me please.
I also humbly ask Mark Morgan to not contact my Earthlink account to post a
complaint. I, Roger Wiseman, will assure Mark and Lloyd Davies that I will
never again post comments over their names or IP addresses.
I apologize for the less than legal activities I fomented and I wish to
assure Mark and Lloyd that will transgress no more. I want to make ammends.
I want to make friends.
I am offering an olive branch of friendship and peace. Life is lonely in
Glendale and I could use some friends.
Thank you for your pathetic consideration.
Roger Leo Wussman
Glendale, West Virginia