"Brian Reay" wrote in message
Seems VERY under bid and from a silent key sale. Seems wrong the widow
should be ripped off when it goes for only £1000
Brian, G8OSN
Facts about the Spy set auction on Ebay for a Silent Key sale by
Delightful_Little_Lady who set up the auction.
All the radio kit from the silent key was purchased by The Bredhurst
Receiving and Transmitting Society (BRATS) of which I am a member out of
club funds for £500.00 to immediately allow the family to pay for expences
that were due. The BRATS were to be paid back their £500.00 and any profit
that the members made above £500.00 by selling the equipment would be paid
to the family. If this figure was not achieved The BRATS did not expect
their money back.
The BRATS were given 2 agendas by the family of the silent key.
One was to sell the equipment to raise enough money to at least pay for his
funeral. The couple were so distraught that my husband arranged the cheapest
funeral he could for them.
The second agenda was a plea from the family to get rid of the large amount
of equipment from their premises AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are talking one
garage load and one large room of equipment that had been collected by the
amateur over 40 odd years. Quite a task in anyone's books.
The Radio Club (The Bredhurst Radio & Transmitting Society), of which I and
my husband are members appointed my husband Charles G4VSZ to take over the
advertisements of the equipment to 9 local Radio Clubs in the area. This he
did by setting up a Website to offer the equipment that was the most
valuable. The B2 was the most valuable piece of equipment belonging to the
silent key. This was offered on the website and anyone could have telephoned
us on our number, which is in the telephone book, emailed him to offer a
firm bid on this item. NO ONE came forward from any of the clubs we
contacted with a bid. However, quite a few people said put it on Ebay.
I reluctantly offered to put it under my Ebay name as I have over 1000
positive feedbacks. I say reluctantly because it meant a lot of work for me
and as usual people were coming up with plenty of suggestions but no
solutions. Charles and I also said that if it did not sell we would put our
money where our mouth is and give £1,000.00 for the set. I was then able to
start the auction at £1,000.00.
I made the auction a private auction to stop timewasters putting in bids in
the last minutes and then not paying. I had 8 people who asked to join my
bidders list and of those 3 made bids. The radio has now sold for £1,776 to
a London bidder who I will keep anonymous as per the auction description. I
am paying the fees of this sale on Ebay myself.
The family can more than pay for the funeral and are delighted and
overwhelmed by what the Bredhurst Receiving & Transmitting Society (BRATS)
have done for them.
If, like usual, there is no comment from the perpetrator of this thread when
faced with the truth about something. I will take it that my Ebay name has
been vindicated on this newsgroup. Sorry is not a word in his vocabulary so
he usually goes silent instead. If, however, he is attention seeking again,
and in his usual mood for twisting the truth to suit himself, I can assure
this will be my only posting on the subject, as none of my family want
anything to do with this man, especially giving him fuel for his massive
ego. Jean Darley G1DLL Delightful_Little_Lady on Ebay.