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Old June 26th 06, 05:36 PM posted to
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Default 2nd try...3946 KC XTAL to swap

Jeez...I can get crystals; why are you guys so defensive?. I'm simply
looking for someone whose got one to swap that is interested in one I don't

By the way...if you are paying $15 to $25 for crystals you are not shopping
very wisely.

I'll worry about my crystal issues/ I don't need lectures.

"Chuck Harris" wrote in message
Smokey wrote:
Ok, Ok...I guess no one has a 3 5 4 6 +/- 1 KC crystal they wish to

swap, so
maybe there is someone out there with ANY FT-243 or Z-9 crystal that

in the lower 100 KC of 80 or 40 meters they'd like to trade for a brand

3946 kc crystal? My preferences are 3542 to 3560 or 7030 to 7055 kc .

3946 crystal is brand, spankin' new and in a Z-9 case with 0.092 pins so
it'll work anywhere an FT-243 does. It's a Petersen Radio crystal.



Hi Smokey,

What do you suppose the odds are that someone who is running rock bound on
80m, is going to need the exact rock you have, and have the exact rock you
need? Especially given that yours is in the middle of the phone section?

I checked through my FT243's, and unfortunately, they have been thoroughly
picked over for 80 an 40m rocks.

Give JAN a call. I am sure that they still have gobs of FT243's in their
scrap bin. It couldn't possibly cost more than $25 to get one custom
ground to meet your needs.

-Chuck Harris