Thread: SB-230 tuning
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Old June 29th 06, 05:12 AM posted to
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Default SB-230 tuning

Thanks again to the group for all the advice. Yes, I had planned on making
sure the antenna was tuned before hitting it with the amp (guess I should
have mentioned that). The tuner I bought should take the power
okay...recently purchased a used (but in great shape) Nye Viking MB-II. I
also have a Heathkit Cantenna dummy load (with oil) I purchased at the same
Hamfest, so I should be all set in that department. I've also run a
dedicated circit for the amp (240 volts) and while I was at it ran a
dedicated 120 volt circuit for the rest of my shack's at
least the amp shouldn't be dimming the lights! :-)
Thanks again and please keep up the discussion....I'm absorbing all of this
collected wisdom and will blend it to form my own procedure....hopefully
none of this will be for naught!
73, Craig KB8FGC