Thread: Icom SM-20 Hum
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Old July 28th 03, 08:50 PM
Dale J.
Posts: n/a

In article vh9Va.124$nq.114@news-fe1, "Andy"

Hi All

I have a IC-706 mk1. When using the SM-20 desk mic there is a hum with my
audio I get no hum with the fist mic. Has anyone else had this
problem and whats the best way to solve this?

73 Andy

The SM-20 is a much more sensitive mike than the hand mike that goes
with the 706. What you might try is while holding the mike button down
(in transmitt) turn your mike GAIN all the way down to zero and see if
the hum goes away. I'm thinking you may be picking up something in the
room thats making the hum, and perhaps your ears is not picking it up.
Just a thought.

The other possibility is there is a wire broken in the mike cable, like
the shield. Another possibility is it could be close to a transformer
of some type, like the amp or PS?? Try moving the mike around on the
desk and see if it gets worse or better. Are you sure it may not be RF
feedback you're hearing? Perhaps touching the mike makes it

Good luck

Dale J., K9VUJ

Dale J.
Bloomington, Minnesota
