If you aren't afraid of picking up a soldering iron, it is pretty cheap and
easy to build a counter. Counters count -- really --, so precision is
completely dependent on how long you are willing to wait. 1 second = 1 Hz,
10 seconds = 0.1 Hz. Counters up to about 60 MHz can be built for under
$15. (Well, OK, if your junk box isn't very good, and you don't have other
projects, shipping for the parts will probably double or triple the cost.)
Accuracy is dependent on a crystal, so if you want to get under something
like 0.01% you are probably going to have to add an oven to the typical
designs you will find on the web. For "a few MHZ", construction is very
non-critical. Take a look at OM3CPH's designs for a starting place.
"Kirk" wrote in message
I have looked at used eqpt etc and kits. Most kits are partial kits.
How I wish Heath were still in business 
Any recommendations for a frequency meter of good accuracy. I dont need
high frequency capability - a few MHz is good enough but I need good