--W8ji-- Faraday shield
Hi Tom,
I'm winding some Flag antenna transformers and measuring
capacitance between pri. and sec.
A one point somewhere you said ;
" The proper grounding point for a Faraday shielded primary
is opposite the exit point of the primary winding, or on the
secondary winding's exit side of the transformer. Most Faraday
shields described for Beverages and other transformers are
not only useless, they are often incorrectly grounded and
actually increase unwanted coupling!"
Sorry if this out of context, I'm just trying to get info.
Btw. I'd like to apply any response to potcore transformers.
Is the exit point you mention related to the impedance of the winding?
Do I want to exit with the lower impedance winding?
If I use a Faraday shield, the grounding wire is a 15ft horizontal run
and a 20ft vertical drop, before earth ground. Is it still reasonable to
think it will work?