--W8ji-- Faraday shield
amdx wrote:
Is the exit point you mention related to the impedance of the winding?
I added a "flying winding" to balance the seconday capacitance to
ground, not to reduce it or shield it.
Do I want to exit with the lower impedance winding?
I'm not sure what you mean. What I did won't work in other
If I use a Faraday shield, the grounding wire is a 15ft horizontal run
and a 20ft vertical drop, before earth ground. Is it still reasonable to
think it will work?
No. The "faraday shield" will likely just couple signals and noise from
the ground lead right into the antenna. I'd avoid the whole thing, and
just separate the windings as much as losses allow. Hopefully you are
using small low capacitance windings.
73 Tom