day 206 of Maj Robeson lie about suing me
haven't posted this count in awhile but since robeson has shown to
libel and lie 3 day in row id it it poper
on 28 dec 2005 yu claim you were suing and that I would be served soon
it is 206 days later
you are proven a liar, and according to you if you lie one time
everything you say may be considered a lie
of Course I knw the reason I was served no papers youtold some twisted
version to a alwyer who siad based on that fiction you could sue me,
but when you provide your "evidence" you showed how distroted your view
of reality was and were told you had no case
as predeicted at the tiem you would spend the next months lies and
spining your way around this this fact
and such has come to pass