oldtimer wrote:
Old age has finally caught up with me (79 a week ago).and it is time to get
rid of some of my gear. I bought a new IC706IIG from Burghardt a few years
ago and it has been on the shelf for a long time as a back up rig to my
IC756PRO. I have been looking all over the place for used 706's to get an
idea what to ask for it but have not found any. It seems to me there used to
be a place on the Internet where you could get the prices of used gear.
This rig has a CW filter, the accessory carrying handle, microphone and the
manual. Somewhere up in my attic is the original box but I am not sure I can
climb up there to get it. I used it mostly on CW but for some reason the
microphone plug has the holding pin break off and I had to replace it with a
temporary one from RS and it looks lousy. It works great but should be
replaced. It is held in place with a tie wrap...hi.
Anybody know the value of this rig or where I can find that info?
James (Jim) Parsons, K5ROV
65 years of Ham Radio
USAF Retired
San Angelo, Texas
You may be thinking of this-
I would not put much stock in those prices though. Last update was 6
years ago.
I would guesstimate $600 with a variance of +/- $50.
I would go on Ebay and search completed items. That would probably give
you a more realistic idea of the value of the radio.