MURS Radios - Kenwood TK2100 VHF Portables
Hello DrDeath:
Yeah the VHF hand held radios are way better call than those cheap ****
communist FRS Toy type hand held radios.
Last hunting trip one of the guys set up a VHF Base Antenna on a 30 foot
mast, and we talked all over the place, on simplex 146.52 Mhz.
We have more Quail then should be legal I think.
I go hunting up around and near Granite Mountains. Running out of home
plate Barstow California, on highway 40, getting off at Kelbaker Road,
and heading north about 10 miles, theres usually a few who get there
early and can radio ya in, if their not all liquirored up!
Its pretty desolate out there, so if ya want to have something ya have
to bring it.
Its good exercise and keeps ya on your toes. One of the guys shot a
Quail, and a Hawk picked it up before anyone could gather any thoughts
about it. Pretty impressive.
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, ....just down the road ah ways from the
fillin station.
DrDeath wrote:
Heya Jay.
I've been contemplating buying one. Now I know to go VHF. You have quail in
the desert?