I agree with the VK3. The conditions he relates are the ones you'll
encounter. I'll add to the fray that when there are several leads going
to, for example, a tube socket pin on an old set, its just too much to
ask to clean everything out to make room for the new component. Oft
times you'll create more problems then will be solved. Just be careful
and be a bit artful when installing the new parts so they'll look good
and work properly. If there is only one lead to worry about, it may
well be appropriate to wick the joint and un-clench the old lead. That
will be a judgment call on your part. As far as where to buy, I can
recommend Mouser. They have the gamut in capacitors, et al, both the
smaller types as well as the larger "orange drop" types. It does
appear, however, that the selection of axial electrolytic caps (1-40ufd
range)at 450v (typically) is getting smaller. I've laid in a stock of
these, of late. I'm sure some of the restoration purists may have
their word in this and that's absolutely appropriate. I re-build gear
to get it (back) on the air, reliably. I don't chose to re-create the
Hallicrafters production line.
Jump'n Jack Flash wrote:
I am interested in recapping a Heath SB401 and a SB301 but I have several
1 Do you try to desolder each old cap or do you simple cut out the old ones
and add the new ones?
2. Where is a good place, web or otherwise to purchase new caps?
3. I been told that if the electrolytic are to old they will not polarize
correctly. So how do you know?
Thanks for any and all replies.