wrote in message
an old freind wrote:
Dr Death belives he has the right who may post what and that he has the
right to controll the NG
I'll apologize for the multiple posting. It was not intentional. I used
Google's News Group poster and my first post wasn't acknowledged. My
posts were sent to newsgroups who might actually want to see my ad. CB
and MURS are both Part 95 Personal Radio Services. 
Anyway, yes, these radios are much better than FRS. VHF does travel
better than UHF through the woods. The 4x increase in power and the use
of a better, more sensitive receiver in this commercial radio combine
and you get better range.
If anyone is interested in a pair of these radios, I will discount for
multiple purchases. Just send me an email directly.
Pay no attention to Markie-tard. If fact I'll give you a list to killfile
all of his up to date nyms that he uses.
I just pointed it out that you posted it twice, and as I generally killfile
those that make it a regular habit to advertise products. Keeping your web
address in your sig file while posting is more in keeping with Usenet
courtesy and still gives the readers the option of viewing your products
without having to spam. I hate having to killfile someone that otherwise may
have something useful to add to the group.
I'll probably be looking at some units in the near future, I have to get
this tower project finished first. I can't seem to locate anyone local that
sells pushup pole.