Racal 6830
N9NEO wrote:
Anybody have any comments regarding the Racal 6830? A friend of mine
rebuilds them and so forth. This is his last radio - He is getting
out of the business because modules are getting too expensive. Keep in
mind that since he is a friend if radio breaks down he will
troubleshoot. I will use the radio to replace the Drake I had to sell
cause I needed cash.
Well, here is what he tells me:
My Racal contact has raised his prices a lot and now it would take
about $1600 for a set of modules. I usually put 30 or so hours into
making a perfect unit. I'm about 1/2 done with the one I'm working on.
So there is no real profit in doing this. After that I'm done since it
won't be worth my trouble. I sold off all the early rev modules so
everything I have is latest rev stuff. I have never noticed a
difference in performance though.
This will be the basic radio with 4 filters and one spare slot. No
remote control or special functions. I do have 2 blank SDR modules
that will plug right into the radio that do SDR demodulation with a
cool spectrum display. They usually go for $1300 to $1500 on ebay.
You got a pic and some specs on this rig?
I've looked around but can't seem to find anything :-(