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Old August 9th 03, 11:33 PM
Bob Headrick
Posts: n/a

"Hank Oredson" wrote in message

"Bob Headrick" wrote in message
Part 47 Section 2.815 of the FCC rules make it unsuitable to sell or offer
for sale in the US.

2.815(e) The proscription in paragraph (c) of this section shall not
apply in the marketing, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, by
a licensed amateur radio operator to another licensed amateur radio
operator of an external radio frequency power amplifier if the amplifier
is for the amateur operator's personal use at his licensed amateur radio
station and the requirements of Sec. Sec. 97.315 and 97.317 of this
chapter are met.

The problem is not section (c) it is section (b) which says:

(b) After April 27, 1978, no person shall manufacture, sell or
lease, offer for sale or lease (including advertising for sale or
lease), or import, ship, or distribute for the purpose of selling or
leasing or offering for sale or lease, any external radio frequency
power amplifier or amplifier kit capable of operation on any frequency
or frequencies between 24 and 35 MHz.

Note: For purposes of this part, the amplifier will be deemed
incapable of operation between 24 and 35 MHz if:
(1) The amplifier has no more than 6 decibels of gain between 24 and
26 MHz and between 28 and 35 MHz. (This gain is determined by the ratio
of the input RF driving signal (mean power measurement) to the mean RF
output power of the amplifier.); and
(2) The amplifier exhibits no amplification (0 decibels of gain)
between 26 and 28 MHz.

The Palomar amplifier is designed for CB operation, and falls squarely in this
frequency range.

Section (d) gives a limited out, but only for non-kit amplifiers built by a ham
and sold to a ham:

(d) The proscription in paragraph (b) of this section shall not
apply to the marketing, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, by
a licensed amateur radio operator to another licensed amateur radio
operator of an external radio frequency power amplifier fabricated in
not more than one unit of the same model in a calendar year by that
operator provided the amplifier is for the amateur operator's personal
use at his licensed amateur radio station and the requirements of
Secs. 97.315 and 97.317 of this chapter are met.

This amplifier cannot be legally sold in the US.

The entire text can be found at:

- Bob W7OV