Warning: New Usenet ModeratorTo Shut Down Abusers IfNecesssary.
DrDeath wrote:
Kiss mine, you officious ass. Go moderate a CB channel.
We don't need another know it all ham in the cb group.
This whole thing was started by what's called a troll. It was forged,
not from the person it purports to be from. Many of the "responses" are
also forged, and from the same person or his cohorts.
It exists to **** people off, get them riled up, and so the forgers can
sit back and laugh at what they have gotten those in the newsgroups, who
they consider to be idiots, to post as responses.
A ham who came from CB a long time ago, ain't a know-it-all, and doesn't
care to tell you what to do, since it's your business.