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Unrevealed Source wrote:
4) Use only Paypal, with a credit card, to pay for your purchases.
That brings to mind a question: Is there any way to stop paypal from
insisting on using your linked bank account as its first choice?
The reason I ask, is I accidentally forgot to check "more payment options",
and didn't notice until after paypal finalized the transaction. Paypal
attempted to overdraw my account, and I got charged a $25 overdraft fee by
my bank. The idiots at paypal were going to retry this 2 more times before
quitting, and using my "backup" credit card. If I hadn't noticed, this transaction
would have cost me $75 in overdraft fees. There was no way I could cancel
the payment, and switch to a credit card.
I complained to paypal, because I thought they were supposed to check the
balance on the account before they tried to draw funds, but they ignored
me completely.