Latest RADIOMART ebay scam!!!
SamSez wrote:
gwatts wrote in
It comes down to weighing practicality versus prudence. I've closed
old and opened new paypal accounts when I get too close to the limit,
even on the same credit card, and that limit was $10k the last time I
opened a new one.
How? When I tried that, they told me the card belonged to a previous
account, and would not let me open a new one. [That was the first thing I
tried when I got close to $2k.]
My experience exactly. I was perfectly happy just using a CC with paypal,
but then I ran out of dough, and had to link a bank account.
And I am happy with that arrangement, but I only want to use a CC for my
payments, and they insist on making my linked account be my primary source,
with the CC my secondary... the cause of my overdraft problem.