"whitehat" wrote in message
After being away from CW for more than forty years my ears
and fist just can't do it now. I'd like to use a computer
keyboard and monitor to do CW with my Kenwood 430S.
What equipment do I need and where can I get it?
There are a couple of different ways you can go.
1. MFJ (and perhaps others) sell an electronic keyer with keyboard and you
just hook it up to your radio and away you go.
2. You can buy a multimode controller with the proper cables for your
computer and radio, hook it all together, load the software on your
computer, and then use it to send and receive CW. Note that unless
conditions are good and the signal strong, it may not decipher CW as well as
you can. However, there is no problem with sending.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE