some notes on obselete tech on topic but you have to wait for it
why did the Longbow cease to be the main stay of the battle feild?
after the crossbow that replaced was an inferior weapon
and the crossboww superior to the muskets and rifles that replaced
indeed the english longbowmen was more effective on the battlefeild
than any military system the follow till after WW2 indeed a gruop
Bowmen out of other ammo but happening to have thier bow with in the
retreat toward Dunkirk put a german unit to flight (mostly through the
shock factor and the quieness of the bow)
why did the longbow lose control of the battlefiled
simple it took a lifetime of traning and practice to maintain that
effectness a crowbowmen could be trained in months
a riflemen in weeks
finaly to radio
why did CW lose out to mode that are effective
acodring to even it booster is takes weeks to train a cw ops and it
take practice for most to keep up their skill
voivce why these day even the porblem for voice op in geting through
signal problem is practiced by cell phones users in many locals on a
daily basis
CW was too expensive in human and finacail terms to surviv in the
comercail world
it is too expensive in huan terms to hold sway with more than half of
the ARS ops now (look at the numers) andyet it boosters inist like the
King of englad did at one point in trying to ban the playing of golf to
insist on it continued infliction on the ARS
yet it is likely as the longbow does survive being superceeded by the
crossbow musket and M16 that it will survive
but could drop the crap about it being the end of the ars to change in
the tech of the late 20th century and stop decring those that would
like to play as trators to the kingdom of the ARS