So much for creating an LJ account.
On 14 Jul 2006 I stormed the castle called alt.hackers.malicious and
heard marc cry out in news:1152906310.634438.262590
Sycho wrote:
I get "The connection was refused when attempting to contact" after clicking on the "Create an Account" link.
rotflmao I've never even HAD an LJ account there. Much less do
anything that would cause them to block my IP. I never really realized
just how much of a "bad boy" I was til now. ;o)
Toto, I don't think we're in DOS anymore!
thats ok stupid. you were refused because your a stupid
cocksucker.......and a pretty good one but stop playing with your ****
and maybe you'll get an account
Not bad, but too offensive to be taken seriously..
troll grade: B
Public Enemy #7