BC898T or BC9000XLT ?
Yes I was trying to get better reception by using a tunning knob and
using the scanner with the squelch off. Seems the pro2006 would lock
on to a weak signal but then skip and
start scanning. The 898t wasent the answer either and yes i understand
the 9000 has no
pc control but i havent used the software and dont plan on it. As far
as the tone decoder
thats fun th play with decoding public service tones but i havent found
much use for it
otherwize. I would really like a good sensitive uhf tuneable am fm
receiver that could be converted to ssb also, the pro2006 can be but as
you know it dosent have a vfo knob.
Bill Crocker wrote:
I've owned a couple BC9000-XLT's, and BC898T's over the years. I think
you'll be happier keeping the BC898T. Is UHF MilAir your main interest?
That's what I was using the BC898T for, and I was very satisfied. Another
consideration is that the BC9000-XLT does not have a computer interface for
programming, and/or control. The BC9000-XLT also required an optional CTCSS
module, that is almost impossible to find these days.
Bill Crocker
"n4aeq" wrote in message
Earlier this year i bought a BC898T, I wanted a good scanner/reciever
for uhf. My pro2006
work great but i needed a vfo/tunning knob. The 898 works greatand is
close but not quite as
sensitive as the pro6000 in uhf. So sense i dont care about trunking im
thinking of
getting a used BC9000xlt. My question is this, would the 9000 be as
sensitive as the pro2006 in uhf or will i notice any difference in
sensitivity between the BC9000 &