"DrDeath" wrote in message
"Don Bowey" wrote in message
On 7/11/06 7:57 AM, in article , "John
I can already detect a vast improvement, keep up the good work and good
in the contest.
W1AW, Rick Lindquist
"Paul Willie Schleck" wrote in message
Warning. I, Paul W Schreck, blowgut of blowguts, and self-appointed
moderator, will be monitoring these newsgroups for inappropriate
misuse of the groups, cross-posting and foul language and will be saving
archiving your comments for future use.
Any future and wanton misuse of my name or callsign or forgeries thereof
will be recorded as well.
I will not hesitate to contact aeiou.com, wxyz, CBS, NBC, BBC or
any other provider to turn you and your cohorts in for punitive action.
While these groups are largely unmoderated, I am here to tell you that
is a new Sheriff in town, and the Sheriff is me.
You have been warned. Conduct yourself accordingly or risk losing your
Paul W. Schreck, Self Appointed Moderator Supreme, New Sheriff.
Hey Paul,
Kiss mine, you officious ass. Go moderate a CB channel.
We don't need another know it all ham in the cb group.
i psto troll stuffs hear and there and go nim bordes somes times jsut to
**** guys of
i not be smart but trie to act leike I am. I ahve metnal probemls and roger
wisman is riht wehn he calls me stupid.
wisman isnt too smart eiter becuase he posstes insaen commets on Nim
Busturs. tfhe guy is broderline insane and not liek me,mark morgan from
michiggan in the up. i have much moer brian mattre that roger and i know ow
to use it.
i wish Paus schreck wulod talk to me as a equall but he avoids me. i must
notbe good enoghf for paul.
nobody is goode enough for paul and he acts like i dont count. i got nwes
for paul. I count.
mark morgan