I have for sale the fellowing equipment:
1.Yaesu FT-707 HF Transceiver with WARC Bands, 100 watts, Good Shape, Price
2. Yaesu FP-707 20 amp 12 Volt DC Power Supply, Nice Shape, $75.
3. Yaesu FC-707 Antenna Tuner with SWR/Power Meter, $65.
4. Kenwood TH-315A, 220MHz, HT, needs battery and antenna, works, $55.
5. Icom-02AT 2 meter HT in good condition, $65.
6. Icom IC-28H 2 meter Mobile transceiver, works, $65.
7. Dentron JR. Monitor/MobileAntenna Tuner, nice shape, $55.
8. Yaesu YD-844A mic, great shape, $55.
All prices are plus shipping. If your interested in any of the gear, please
e-mail me for more detailed information. All gear has been checked out and
works. Thanks, Charlie Hugg, K5MBX
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