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Old August 19th 03, 12:37 AM
Dave Bushong
Posts: n/a


I owned an FM-2036 (I think?). That would be from the early 1990's, right?

Almost always, the PL tone frequency is set by a switch (not an
adjustable control). The one you are looking at might be a setting for
how loud it transmits the tone, not what frequency it's at.

Look for a set of dipswitches, probably a 4-position one, might be 6- or

All the best, and 73,
Dave KZ1O

Greg Courville wrote:

I have a KDK FM-2033 mobile rig that I just got. I need to know how to set
the PL tone. Upon opening the case I can see the tone board. There is a pot
next to it labeled "tone" as well as a pot on the underside of the tone
board itself.
Which pot do I use?
How do I tell what the current frequency _is?_

I hope someone can help me...
-Greg Courville

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