more evsaion from the red hateed monkey Maj Robeson
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wastes bandwidth with:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend continues his pattern of self-abuse:
more libel and fraud
bring on your "lawsuit"
What lawsuit, Morkie?
the one you promised to file on Dec 29 2005
and repeted you intent to do so last week
you can't win
If I chose to being one, I certainly would.
but you can't win one so don't file
You provide more than enough material for one.
all I did is take you at your word when you said it was all right to
point out you are the father of defective child
What defective child?
your defective chilld the one you claim died remember her?
and you are
yea it is creul statement
What's "creul", Morkie...?!?!
but compared to his months of calling me a child molesto r it is mild
by comaprison
You BELONG in a "comaprison", Morkie.
You act like you're in a coma.
people in coma'sdo not post to the internet
therefore you lied again
Steve, K4YZ