the Maj just does not get it
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind continues to act foolishly in public:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend played with himself in public again:
K4YZ wrote:
TheMonger wrote:
The radical confused homo assures us he shall return to trashing your
good name soon.
That could be applied to ANYone here, but since I am the only "K4"
involved here, I asusme you intend that for me! =)
Morkie only talks civilly to five people or entities
here...Anymouses who don't have the intestinal fortitude to put thier
names to thier muckraking (and are obviously unskilled in radio issues)
and a twice court-maritaled (read that "twice self-disgraced') CBer
whose "facts" are anything but facts. A self-appointed "expert" on
"emergency comms" who has yet to get a single thing right, a
self-appointed guardian of "freedom of speech" who thinks it's his
"right" to broadcast illegally, promote child pornograhy and use of
profanity in public forums, and a retired ex-radio technician that, in
50 years of "interest", could never manage to pass even the Novice
all you do is post libel
yes you do
Not a single word of the foregoing was untrue.
sure it was
you are bully and abuser
You are.
Witness your attempts to libel ME by crossposting non-germane
posts to an "alt" domain newsgroup.
it is germane Maj
The point there being that 99% of the posts showing up there are
all yours...And it's quite apparent that the intent is to stalk and
discredit me in an attempt to force me to yield to YOUR absuing an
no staking Steve
all you have to do to stop this treament that you object tosommuch is
STOP your lie and libel in RRAP and elsewhere
that 500 percent ofthose posting are not yours is becuase you lack the
cowarage to let them see YOUR side in in its true ublyness
I am using such means are at my disposal to try andconvince you tostop
your libelosu attacks on me
That's partially why the few folks that have written to me
directly think you're an idiot.
so I like the letter I get better
Some circle of friends.
fruit-loop is on nimbusters having his chops-popped.
I have no doubt that Morkie get's his chops popped no matter where
he chooses to spread his disjointed, fractured, idiotic rhetoric and
" It's not that hard to do! He makes it easy to make a fool out
him. No doubt his "wife" has a collection of Naziesque leather attire
and makes him roll around on the floor in adult-sided diapers sucking
on a pacifier...Usually the alleged "wifes" pacifier, since the
wife isn't female."
still more libel
yes it libel
you callmy wife male and try to claim that isn't libel
come on an you once had some sense years ago
Not a word of it.
everyword of it is libel like almost every word you have posted in RRAP
in several years