If I'd had a nickel for everything I invented, but never followed up on,
I'd be able to afford a new 1S4 for my QRP rig.
Over the years, there have been many variations on this theme and all
probably worked about the same. The good folks at EZ-Hang, took the
time to package the whole shooting match for those of us who were unable
to take the time to chase down the parts. I've had a "commercial" model
for a couple years and it works great! I chat with Mr. EZ-Hang from
time to time at HamFests, and usually end up getting a couple free
The latest addition is the "ground mounted line feeding gizmo" for
pulling the nylon line up with the mono filament line. That is also a
handy addition to the kit.
By the way, when the salesman tells you these thing work really, really
well from a "projectile" perspective and recommends that you practice a
few times in the wide open spaces until you figure out what the "lob"
is, take them at their word. Between Whamm-O and Zebco, this is a real
lead-slinger and it is nice to know what kind of an arch results from an
arm's length pull back. Once you get in the trees, it becomes a little
tougher to figure out where that yellow sinker is dropping down. On
occasion, I've resorted to tying on a short length of florescent pink
(or orange) surveyors tape, just in case.
NOTE: I have no connection with EZ-Hang, Whamm-O, Zebco, whoever makes
the sinkers, or the U.S. Patent Office, other than being a "Happy
Camper" customer.
73, Dave
Dave Williams - K7HMP/4
Stafford, Virginia
Martin wrote:
"Walter" wrote in message
Here is an article on how to cheaply and easily run a wire antenna
using a slingshot, and a fishing pole.
Amazing! Amazing, that is, that there has actually been a recent patent
on the slingshot-spinning reel combination: U.S. 6,286,495; filed on
I used this idea as far back as 1966, copied from other hams who used it
before I did. And in 1990 I built one identical to the one they're selling.
See the ad for EZ Hang on the www.qrz.com site.
Marty K1FHR